Maternity Casting – A unique commemorative keepsake

Maternity Casting – A unique commemorative keepsake

What is maternity casting?

It is a life cast taken of your pregnant belly. I take a ‘skin safe’ and non toxic algenate and plaster mould of your body and create a unique and commemorative keepsake of this moment. With the mould created, I immediately produce a plaster casting of your belly.
A maternity cast is an artistic way to capture the amazing nature of your body and its beauty during this time. The process of taking the life cast directly from the belly takes about 30 mins.

Why do a maternity cast?

Life Casting - maternity castingWhen I was pregnant with my baby girl, I loved the way my body was growing and changing and really wanted to preserve that amazing feeling in some way. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with it but I knew I wanted to capture the moment in time
My pregnant life casting sits on my desk at work and I talk about it often with my bub and she loves to rub her ‘old house’!
My plan is to let my girl decorate it with hand prints on her upcoming first birthday.

It’s an amazing work of art. A mother’s body during this precious time is full of the unique shape of carrying a child. It is an experience that can only be had once (with each pregnancy of course). In the spectrum of time this moment is fleeting and a maternity cast allows you to have a 3D memory for all time.
maternity casting

Maternity cast ideas.

The cast can be left as a raw plaster mould or tidied up, painted, sealed and displayed on a wall. It might make for a nice display in your child’s nursery.
Any finish can be added to suit your décor or personal requirements.

Another idea with the cast is to have it at your baby shower and have friends and family decorate the cast with their hopes, dreams, and wishes for your baby soon to be.

The cast can also make for an excellent prop if you were looking to get newborn photos taken of your child. Turn the cast around and place your babe inside the cast for some photo shoot fun.

Please contact me to discuss maternity casting.